The requirements for survivors’ benefits for widows and widowers with disabilities can be difficult – especially if you’re applying for it after losing a loved one. Once you qualify, it might be a financial lifeline that you do not want to lose. However, life has a...
Ohio Social Security Disability And SSI Legal Blog
Month: October 2024
How much must workers earn to qualify for SSDI benefits?
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are an earned benefit. Workers make contributions to Social Security through their paychecks and may then be eligible for SSDI benefits when they can no longer work. The Social Security Administration (SSA) tracks...
How does your living arrangement impact your SSI benefits?
There are many factors that can impact your eligibility and how much Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits you can receive. Your living arrangement is one crucial component that can change the amount you’ll get every month. This blog explains how this factor can...
What are the impacts of marriage on Disabled Adult Child benefits?
As a parent of someone who receives Disabled Adult Child (DAC) benefits, you may face a bittersweet moment when your child considers marriage. While you’re excited about their happiness and a potential new chapter in life, you may also worry about how this decision...