After sustaining a disability, people can rely on Social Security Disability (SSD) insurance to cover their basic needs. Unfortunately, not all claims lead to approval. Sometimes, issues involving the process or eligibility standards can arise, possibly causing...
Ohio Social Security Disability And SSI Legal Blog
Manring & Farrell Legal Blog
There’s a special SSDI rule that applies to blue-collar workers
Not everyone with a medical issue qualifies for disability benefits. Especially if someone needs Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, the standard is relatively strict. Most workers have to prove that they are incapable of doing any work because of...
Immediate Payment: What SSI beneficiaries should know
Getting Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits can be a lifesaver when you have no other income and cannot work because of a disability. While the benefit payments can be enough to cover your day-to-day expenses, you may suddenly need more funds during...
Three probable reasons why your SSI claim was denied
Receiving a denial letter regarding your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) application could be disheartening. It is even more challenging when you are hoping to depend on it for your immediate needs, such as food and medication. There could be several reasons why...
People with anxiety disorders can qualify for SSD benefits
People often associate anxiety with nervousness. However, anxiety is more than that; it could limit your ability to do simple tasks, like talking to people. With this condition, you could feel restless and fall into a rabbit hole of negative thoughts, worsening your...
Caring for a child with cerebral palsy when your income is limited
Cerebral palsy is one of the most common developmental disabilities among children. It is often characterized by limitations in their mobility and speech. Since the condition limits the ability of children to perform daily tasks, they are dependent on their...
Fighting for your benefits: Steps for appealing an SSD case
Unexpected things can happen as you strive to put food on your family’s table. Accidents and injuries can still occur regardless of how many precautions you take. Sometimes, you even fail to notice that the persistent pain you are feeling is already a long-term...
Can I go back to work while receiving my disability benefits?
Anyone can face tough times after sustaining a disabling injury or health condition, making their Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) a vital resource. If an injured worker cannot make a living while recovering, they can rely on benefit payments to help them...
How do I get SSD benefits after back surgery?
Pop! Crack! Snap! These are all fun sounds to hear when watching an action movie but not what we want to hear coming from our back. You likely have a lot of questions if those action-packed sounds signal a need for back surgery instead of a fun night out at the...
What is a vocational expert’s role at an SSD hearing?
Navigating the Social Security Disability (SSD) process can be challenging, no matter what your condition. Many people with perfectly valid claims ultimately find themselves at a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), hoping to overturn an SSD denial. At any...