Residents in Ohio who have children with disabilities know the importance of finding ways to help support their children. Depending on the nature of a disability, some people may be able to work and earn some amount of income while others may never be able to work in any capacity. This leads families to learn what forms of assistance may be available to them and their children.
As explained by the Social Security Administration, Social Security Disability is a program that pays benefits to a person who has become disabled but previously worked and paid into the SSDI program. Applicants must meet the definition of being disabled as laid out by the SSA in order to qualify for benefits. In addition, it may be possible for a worker’s adult disabled child to receive SSDI benefit from their contributions.
According to Special Needs Answers, there are specific requirements that must be met in order for an adult disabled child to receive SSDI based on their parent’s record. One of these is that the child’s disability must have been identified before they turned 22 years old. Another is that the child must be unmarried. The parent must also have worked long enough to qualify for benefits on their own and be actively receiving Social Security, be disabled or have already died in order for the adult disabled child to apply for their benefits.
An adult disabled child applying for SSDI based on their parent’s earnings may also be able to qualify for Supplemental Security Income in some situations.