While collecting Social Security Disability Insurance, you may begin working again if you feel well enough. If your health has improved and you feel no pain, your doctor may approve. You may also consider finding a job or a part-time position that does not make your condition worse.
When the work brings you substantial income, however, you may no longer qualify for SSDI benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, individuals may earn on average up to $1,260 per month before a position classifies as “substantial.” If a recipient is blind, his or her earnings may not exceed $2,110 per month.
Do I need an SSA review to return to work?
If you plan to return to work after your health improves, the SSA may review the case to determine whether you still qualify for benefits. A condition noted as “expected” to improve may undergo a normal review process in as little as six months after the first benefit payment.
It could take at least three years for the SSA to review a case if your disability classifies as one showing only a “possible” medical improvement. A condition considered “not expected” to improve may not go under review until seven years from the start of benefits.
Does the seriousness of my condition determine if I receive benefits?
To qualify for SSDI, you must have a bona fide disability that prevents you from working. As reported by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine, it may take between four and six months to receive an approval or denial.
If you begin to feel better while receiving SSDI, you may have an option to take on a part-time or less demanding position and not lose your benefits. You may also discover SSDI-related programs that may help you find your way back into the workforce.