Ohio Social Security Disability And SSI Legal Blog

Mistakes that can slow down an SSDI application

The Social Security Disability Insurance application process can be intricate and time-consuming. Many individuals seeking benefits encounter obstacles and delays due to errors. By identifying common mistakes that can slow down an SSDI application, applicants can better navigate the system and expedite the review of their claims.

Avoiding these mistakes can not only speed up the process but also increase the chances of securing approval for benefits.

Filing incomplete or incorrect forms

Many people receive assistance from SSDI, with 9,243,999 Americans receiving benefits in 2021. However, one must follow the proper process in applying. One of the most common mistakes is submitting incomplete or incorrect forms. The Social Security Administration requires extensive documentation and evidence to support SSDI claims. Failing to provide comprehensive medical records, employment history or other necessary information can cause significant delays.

Lacking medical evidence

The SSA places substantial weight on medical evidence when evaluating SSDI applications. Failing to provide enough medical documentation or not having recent or relevant medical records can stall the application process. Applicants should ensure they include all necessary medical information to substantiate their disability claims.

Not following prescribed treatment

If an applicant does not follow the prescribed treatment plan for their disability, it can negatively affect the SSDI application process. The SSA needs to see how the disability affects the individual when they are receiving treatment. If there is no information on the impact of the treatment, the SSA may delay or deny the application.

Submitting an application while still working

While it is not entirely prohibited to apply for SSDI while still working, it can complicate the application process. If an applicant earns more than a certain amount per month, the SSA may consider them as engaging in substantial gainful activity, which can slow down the application process or result in denial.

Incorrectly categorizing a disability

Applicants must ensure that their disability fits within the SSA’s definition. If an individual incorrectly categorizes their disability or it does not match the SSA’s established listings, it can slow the application process.

When applying for SSDI, it is crucial to avoid these common mistakes to ensure a smooth and efficient application process.