Ohio residents and others who are facing financial issues may qualify for Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, from the federal government. It is generally reserved for people who have limited incomes, are blind or who are over the age of 65. Individuals who apply for SSI must generally be either citizens or lawful residents of the United States. An individual may be considered to have a limited income if he or she makes $771 or less per month.
Married couples can qualify for SSI if they make $1,157 per month or less. Furthermore, an individual needs to have less than $2,000 in countable assets to qualify for this program. A married couple can have up to $3,000 in countable assets, and these assets include cash or other assets that can be liquidated. Homes, cars and other items may be exempt from being considered a countable asset.
An individual or couple may be able to qualify for SSI benefits even if they don’t have a substantial work record. Ohio residents may be able to supplement federal SSI checks with funds provided by the state. The state may have additional income and asset requirements to qualify for these payments. Online calculators and other tools may be available to help SSI applicants better understand what they could be entitled to.
Obtaining SSI benefits may make it easier to pay medical bills or other expenses while unemployed. Those who want to apply for SSI or other government benefits may want to do so with the help of legal counsel. This might make it easier to determine if they qualify and how much they may be entitled to. An attorney may also be able to help a person pursue an appeal if his or her initial application for benefits is denied.