Lawyers Working Hard To Help Secure The Benefits You Deserve
After an injury, an individual may become disabled and require some source of income to maintain his or her home and family and to serve the family’s daily needs. Government programs have been established to help people continue to live their lives with a disability.
One Of Ohio’s Most Experienced Disability Benefits Law Firms
At the office of Manring & Farrell, we focus our attention on obtaining these government benefits, called Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability (SSD), for disabled clients and their families. From our office in Columbus, Ohio, our attorneys and staff meet with clients and determine their specific needs in order to move forward in a way that suits their best interests. Contact us today to further discuss your disability and needs.
Attorneys Handling Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Claims in Cleveland, Columbus, Lima And All Of Ohio
Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is similar to SSD except that it does not require recipients to have been employed to qualify for benefits. The requirements that you be disabled and unable to work are the same as for SSD claims. In addition, in order to qualify for SSI benefits you must not own assets worth more than a set amount.
If your SSI claim is denied, we keep fighting on your behalf. In the event of an SSI denial, our lawyers work on building a compelling appeal and are experienced in handling appeals before all federal courts if your claim is denied. Our attorneys are not afraid to pursue your claim to the highest levels — even the U.S. Supreme Court.
Our firm can also provide information, advice and guidance on issues related to children’s and widows’ benefits, and common disabling injuries and impairments.
For additional information, please see our FAQ.
Contact A Trusted SSI Firm That Has Served Ohio Since 1991
If you have any questions regarding Supplemental Security Income benefits or Social Security Disability, contact our experienced attorneys at the law offices of Manring & Farrell for a free initial consultation. Call 614-678-7199 or contact us online.