Many people cannot get Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits because they have not spent enough time in the work force to qualify. They are unable to work, however, and still need financial assistance. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a program designed to provide income for these individuals.
If you suspect that you do not qualify for SSD or have been denied either for SSD or SSI, we can help. At Manring & Farrell, our attorneys have helped thousands of people seek the benefits and financial assistance they need through SSI.
To learn more about SSI and if you qualify, please call our Lebanon, Ohio, law offices today at 513-934-0893.
How Does The Claims Process Work?
The claims process for SSI benefits is similar to that of SSD, except that it does not require a certain number of years spent working and paying into Social Security. Applicants are often those who have worked very little or have not worked at all, including children or special needs individuals facing disabilities, or people who developed disabling medical conditions before they could work long enough to qualify for SSD. In many cases, individuals who were denied SSD can instead file for SSI benefits.
There are also financial requirements that must be met for eligibility. Social Security will review your income, as well as that of your spouse or others in your household. It will look into the assets that you currently hold, including savings, insurance policies, investment accounts, valuable property or real estate. This will determine how much you are paid each month in benefits.
Experienced Attorneys Ready To Help You
Our attorneys have handled thousands of these cases and will provide you with a clear understanding of your situation and what you can realistically expect to receive in benefits. We are hands-on and involved throughout the process, providing valuable guidance and instruction, as well as advocacy. Our lawyers travel to hearing offices all over Ohio, including Columbus, Lima, Toledo, Cleveland, Akron, Cincinnati or Dayton to attend hearings. We also attend hearings in Wheeling and Parkersburg, West Virginia. We will be at the hearing with you. We will explain what to expect and provide you with the representation you need to make your record.
And, if you had a hearing but were denied by a judge, we also try to help see if we can save your case for you — even if another lawyer represented you at the hearing or if you had no attorney or representative at all. Other attorneys commonly refer clients to us after they have been unsuccessful in obtaining an approval for the client, trusting us to help in the appeals process.
Contact The Disability Law Firm Of Manring & Farrell. Free Consultations.
To learn more about how our attorneys can help you get the SSI benefits you deserve, contact our Columbus, Lebanon or Lima SSD benefits attorneys online or by calling 513-934-0893 for a free consultation.