A chronic medical condition such as multiple sclerosis may prevent you from working. As reported by Medical News Today, if your doctor expects an impairment to last for at least one year, you may apply for Social Security Disability Insurance.
The Social Security Administration provides SSDI benefits to individuals who show documentation of a long-term disability. MS may classify as a severe health condition and qualify for SSDI. MS must, however, meet at least two conditions to qualify.
Individuals with MS need to meet two conditions for SSDI
The first condition requires showing that MS impairs your motor functions. You may no longer have the ability to move as you did before. If MS affects at least two extremities you could qualify for SSDI. The SSA may need proof of your inability to maintain balance or remain standing for long periods.
The second condition requires you to show another serious impairment in addition to your limited physical ability. You may need to submit medical records showing both a physical problem and an issue related to concentration or memory loss.
Chronic MS may qualify as a disability
Because MS affects the body’s central nervous system, you may experience a range of symptoms. The severity of your symptoms and how they limit your movements may determine whether you qualify for SSDI benefits.
MS may eventually become so severe that it prevents you from working. Blindness or paralysis could result. If you have vision problems, persistent pain or fatigue that limits your ability to carry out physical tasks, you may apply for SSDI.
Eligibility for SSDI generally requires showing how a medical condition limits your physical and mental abilities. The SSA may review your medical records to verify your claims. If your condition meets the government’s criteria, you may receive disability benefits.